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Monday, 26 January 2015

Beauty Trend: Berry Stained Lips

Welcome back to Beau Heaux Blog and to our latest post! I have been super busy lately and have a special announcement to make... We will be moving to a brand new, absolutely fabulous site very soon and so this has been taking up quite a bit of my blogging time! 

Any who...! Today I am bringing you all a sneaky look at one of the hottest beauty trends for SS15 and once again your lips will be doing the talking! Gone are the deep vampy purple hues of seasons' gone by and you can kiss goodbye to your overdrawn Kylie-esque lippie. This season it is all about the berry stained pout. The SS catwalk shows showed very subdued  makeup looks, most of them letting your natural beauty make the statement. This lip perfectly compliments a simple face and doesn't look out of place. It is also super easy to achieve and I think it would be perfect for any upcoming date nights or Valentine's celebrations!

                      Dolce & Gabbanna

 Firstly, make sure your lips are super soft by using a lip scrub such as this one by lush which I have previously reviewed. You should also get into the habit of applying a good lip balm going to bed at night or even a layer of Vaseline. This combined with drinking enough H2O will eliminate the need to invest in a pricey lip conditioner. The only product you really need to achieve this look is a good quality lipstick in a berry shade. Apply straight from the tube to the centre of your lips, top and bottom. Then using a lip brush or cotton bud, blend the colour out. 


Take your inspiration from Missoni and use and use a bright red shade, this is perfect if you're not used to wearing red as it is a more subtle way to wear the colour.


 Alternatively, use a gorgeous berry shade similar to the gorgeous models at Dolce & Gabanna. 

              Kendall Jenner at Dolce & Gabanna

Topshop unique had their own take on the trend. It isn't  supposed to look 100% perfect, it should look natural as if you've just eaten some berries or drank a glass of vino or kissed a boy!

                               Topshop Unique

 This trend seems very economical as you'll be using very little product when you apply! It also should be practical during the warmer months too as lining and filling your lips with product while your face is flushed and sweaty is hardly ideal! I can imagine this looking fantastic with a light tan too!

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